Global X conducted a retail market survey with a third party vendor, ORC International, in late Q2 2016. Our goal was to shed light on behavioral differences among generations when it comes to investing.
Many of our clients ask us for insights on how to appeal to younger investors, specifically investors who are in the Millennial and Generation X generations. We believe that our clients are anticipating the greatest wealth transfer in U.S. history from the Baby Boomer generation to their children, mainly members of the Millennial generation. Additionally, Gen X does not receive nearly as much media coverage or attention as the Millennials or Baby Boomers do. However, as Gen X’ers enter their prime earning years, advisors are interested in learning more about what makes this “in between” generation tick.
After analyzing our survey’s data, four clear groups emerged, and we believe that getting to know these easily identifiable different groups will help our clients serve their clients and prospects even better than our clients do today.
Click here to read the results our survey- Beyond Baby Boomers: The Investable Assets of Tomorrow